Aspirant Member Registration Aspirant Member Registration Password Aspirant membership is open to any organisations or individuals who already operate a climbing wall or are planning to open one. Aspirant membership is valid for 12 months from successful application. Please indicate that you understand and fit into these categories.(Required) Yes No Payment OptionsABC Subscription Renews Annual Monthly Wall DetailsIs the wall you are applying for already operational?(Required) Yes No Wall Name(Required)Company Name(Required)Wall Address(Required)Wall Address(Required) Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Lat, lngWall phone number(Required)Wall email address(Required) Size of WallSmallMediumLargeX. LargeSecondary wallWebsite(Required) Upload Logo(Required)Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, Max. file size: 2 MB.Wall type(Required) Bouldering Roped Mixed Insurance certificateAccepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 3 MB.Contact DetailsMain Contact Name(Required) First Last Main contact email address(Required) Main contact phone number(Required)Position in company(Required)Second contact name First Last Second contact email address How did you hear about us?Please SelectWall ManufacturerTechnical Advisor/ExpertSocial MediaAnother climbing wallSearch engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.)BMCNICASOther industry body (Mountain Training, Climb Scotland, Mountaineering Scotland, Mountaineering Ireland)Press/newsOtherClimbing wall informationPlease give details of the wall(Required) Bouldering Top roping Leading Auto Belay Dedicated training area Clip and Climb Other activities offered Approximate size of wall in m2BoulderingTop RopingLead ClimbingAre you open to the general public(Required) Yes No How long have you been open?Step-Free Entrance Yes No Partial Step-Free Wall Access Yes No Partial Accessible Toilet Facilities Yes No Parking Yes No Please provide further accessibility informationNew build WallAt what stage is your climbing project(Required)Type of wall planned(Required) Bouldering Top Roping Lead Dedicated Training Auto Belay Other activities offered Size of walls plannedWhen do you expect to open?(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Will you be open to public?(Required) Yes No Declaration: On behalf of the above named climbing wall, I am applying for Aspirant Membership of the ABC. We will work towards operating and managing the above climbing wall in accordance with the safe practices/principles outlined in the document “Guidelines for the Management and Use of Artificial Climbing Wall Structures” issued by the Association, and becoming an Approved member of the Association. (You will receive a copy of the guidelines on receipt of your application and membership fees)(Required) Yes No By submitting this form I consent to receiving updates and information from the ABC by way of newsletters.(Required) I consent to receive updates. I do not consent to receive updates. This means that you will not receive notification of new guidelines documents, upcoming seminars, safety updates, the ABC conference, or any other ABC and industry news. By WP Bees ok View Archive →